I have spent a very damp day at the North Yorkshire Moors National Park centre at Sutton Bank demonstrating to those hardy people who braved the sometimes torrential rain to get over to the marquee and look at the exhibitions. There were representatives from the Ryedale Borough Council re-cycling service talking about composting; a display by the National Park, a woodturner with beautiful work and an organic grower. Here is my unfinished necklace. I particularly enjoyed showing the children how easy it is to create these flowers and had an enjoyable day even if everything seemed very damp by the end of it. I just need to light the fire and check all my tools are properly dry now
What beautiful little flowers! What are they make out of? Looks like you recycled some plastic milk jugs or something similar. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I quite like yours as well! ;-)
Oh, how wonderful! I found your blog through Lora's. I love your flowers and the idea of recycling that plastic into something beautiful !
Very cool !
yes, they are plastic milk cartons. They are really easy to cut out - even with scissors that are not very good (so children can make them) I just push a hole in them and score them with a metal tool or an old ballpoint pen without any ink in and then bend them with my fingers and they keep the shape.
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